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Intuitive Mediumship & Readings

Sandra Larson is an Intuitive Life Coach who uses her mediumship gifts and abilities to give a voice to those who do not have one. Whether it’s mediumship with animals or people who have transitioned to the other side or Angel messages and Card readings, she will always begin with an Invocation to help the session feel safe, grounded and connected to Spirit. Sandra can also communicate with the pain her clients might be feeling in their body, addressing physical issues and concerns. Sandra's intention is always to ‘Do only the Highest and Best Good’ for all involved. Sessions can take place in person, virtually, or on the phone. 


When booking sessions, please keep in mind all times slots on the schedule are Central Standard Time (CST).

Mediumship Session


Have loved ones, both human and animal, transitioned from your life? Do you long to connect? What would you like them to know? Are there messages you would like to receive from them? The stages of grief take us on a difficult journey. It’s not linear, as some would suggest, or something we should “just get over." Rather, it is more like a continuous spiraling maze we go through until we find the way to the other side of acceptance. We often experience guilt and the feeling of “would have, could have, should have.” You may ask, “Did I do the right thing at the right time?” Just hearing they are all right often brings comfort and allows us to move on through the grieving process. Contact Sandra today for a private session to connect again with those you love.

60 min / $180 

Phone or Virually

60 min / $200

Office Visit

Angel Therapy 


Do we walk alone or do we have angels and guides assisting us? Our society often teaches us to be the rugged individualist who stands alone. This is an illusion, for we are never alone! But this is an illusion for we are never alone! When we came to earth, we brought with us our own personal entourage of angels. Because we have the power of choice, these wonderful guides and guardians do not impose their will upon us. They honor our free will and stand lovingly by, waiting for an invitation to help. Their desire is to serve you in achieving your highest and best good in this life. Allow Sandra to assist you in opening up a compassionate, loving conversation with these angels who are your personal spiritual team.

60 min / $180 

Phone or Virually

60 min / $200

Office Visit


Channeled Messages

Do the Archangels, Guides, and Master Teachers have a message for you? Is there something your Higher Soul Self would like you to know? Sandra will tune in to these light beings that have been longing to talk with you. In this session we will begin with deep breathing and relaxation, invite them in through our Invocation, and then move to an open sacred space to receive messages from our friends, these Beings of Love and Light.

60 min / $180 

Phone or Virually

60 min / $200

Office Visit


Tarot Card Reading

Breath, sit back, and relax as Sandra reads for you from the Tarot of Transformation or Angel Oracle deck of cards. Be inspired with a new understanding of how spiritual energy is working in your life. This session may be done over the phone, or in person.

60 min / $180 

Phone or Virually

60 min / $200

Office Visit

Body Talk Session


Do you ever feel sensations in your body that mystify you? Do you sometimes have aches and pains you don’t understand? Sometimes the body has to go to extremes to mirror the aspects of ourselves we have ignored or disowned. Is it possible theses sensations of pain is your body’s way of getting you to pay attention? Is it possible these sensations of pain are your body’s way of getting you to pay attention? It’s so easy to pretend negative issues don’t exist in our lives, while we use massive amounts of precious life force energy to keep these unresolved issues at bay. Because this is the body’s last resort, these problems may result in illness or disease. 

60 min / $180 

Phone or Virually

60 min / $200

Office Visit

Regressions & Hypnosis


Clinical Hypnosis 

Sandra’s soothing voice will assist you in releasing long established unhealthy habits, fears, and false beliefs. This process will give you the freedom to let go of addictive behaviors and give you back the right to choose! Some subjects are weight loss, body image, smoking cessation, phobias, addictions, pain control, fear of success and/or failure, and stress relief. This session can be recorded for you to listen to after the session.

60 min / $180 

Phone or Virually

60 min / $200

Office Visit


Soul Journey 

This is a Spa Day for your Soul. Sandra will gently take you through an intuitive inner spiritual journey. You may create your own Soul’s Sanctuary, travel to a Crystal Cave, meet your Power Animal or even visit your Soul’s Infinite Closet to name just a few destinations, among many. You get to relax as you travel on this safe and sacred journey to explore what your Soul wants you to know.

60 min / $180 

Phone or Virually

60 min / $200

Office Visit

Past Life Regression


Do you have fears, concerns, phobias and even prosperity blocks that don’t seem originate from this lifetime? Or, perhaps you might wonder if you have latent talents, gifts or abilities you’d like to discover? Perhaps you’re just curious about the past lives you have lived. We are often unaware of the influences of our past lives. Knowledge is power. We have stored knowledge of collective experiences as a Soul in our unconscious minds which will only be revealed when we are ready to receive it. If you’re ready, Sandra will guide you on an interactive past life journey of discovery and freedom. This is very powerful tool that will help you release past life vows, promises and beliefs which no longer serve you. You’ll also feel free to embrace your gifts and talents in this lifetime. This process assists you in remembering you have the right to choose the life of your dreams.

90 min / $250 

Phone or Virually

90 min / $275

Office Visit


Future Life Progression

Is it possible to visit our future lives? Brian Weiss writes in Many Souls, Many Masters that it is not only possible, but also helpful, to visit our future lives. Choosing the life, you say you want and seeing the future impact of your choices can be a powerful life-changing experience. Your positive future life becomes a template that you can build your current life around. Your unconscious mind does not know future, past or present. Seeing the life of your dreams as already done will be a powerful tool in attracting it to you!

90 min / $250 

Phone or Virually

90 min / $275

Office Visit


Life Between Life Regression

This session is designed to access the realm of the Super-conscious mind. Based on the ground breaking work by Michael Newton in Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls, the (LBL) will take you to the Spirit world where you can gain new perspective of your current and past life experiences.


Previous past-life work is a prerequisite for this session.

180 min / $475

Office Visit Only


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