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Boxes or Gifts?

Writer's picture: Sandra LarsonSandra Larson

Last month, I moved into my new home in Anna Texas, which is just 10-15 minutes north of McKinney close to 75 hwy. I’m so excited to be in this new space and new city. My house is just the right size for my dog Charlie and myself. It has a perfect little yard for Charlie to enjoy, and an ideal front room that I’m converting into my Meditation Studio. It’s a serene space where I can recharge, read, and do sessions with clients. I love it!

We sold our house in Frisco, Texas last May. And at that time, I was still looking for a new home, so I put most of my things in boxes, a lot of boxes – many, many boxes, which went directly into storage. We sold our Frisco house so quickly that I was essentially homeless at the time of closing, but my youngest sister came to my rescue and invited me to live in her vacant home in Celina, Texas, while I continued my house hunting quest.

In addition to selling our house, we sold most of our furniture as well, so when I finally moved into my new home I had lots of boxes and very little furniture. This created quite the blank canvas for décor. As happy as I was to be holding the keys to my own home, I felt overwhelmed as I stood in my living room looking around at the daunting task in front of me to unpack all these boxes and furnish my home.

Fortunately, two of my sisters are decorators and stagers. They are amazing at shopping and finding sales! My friends and family have been so helpful with this move. The universe also showed up for me, creating amazing miracles regarding timing, unique finds, and crazy sales, allowing my sisters and I to furnish most of my home in record time. It was truly unbelievable how everything came together so quickly!

From moving out of our house in Frisco, to helping me find and move into my new home in Anna, I’m filled with gratitude and appreciation for all the heart-felt assistance of my family and friends. Thank you everyone!

Throughout my life I’ve accumulated many things and had multiple moves. And with each move I seemed to collect more things. I’m sure a lot of you can relate. As life goes on, we just seem to accumulate more stuff. Over time, I really began to dislike packing boxes … and especially unpacking boxes – lots of boxes. Ugh. And without fail, I always managed to relegate some of those unpacked boxes to the garage with the promise of getting to them soon. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times: ‘Boxes are the bane of my existence!’

However, since this is my first brand-new home, in a very long time, I am super determined to unpack ALL of my boxes. I really want to be extra organized, and that includes the closets and the garage, where boxes go to hide. I knew I had to look at my dreaded boxes differently, if I was going to be successful. I genuinely wanted to make this move enjoyable, full of gratitude and appreciation. Therefore, I had to change my mindset.

I decided that each box was not just full of stuff that needed to be organized, or tossed out, or recycled, instead I told myself each box was a gift or a present that I could open and appreciate the contents inside. So, that’s what I did. And it made the job of unpacking so much more pleasant! Not only did my dreaded unpacking process become enjoyable, I found more gratitude in that moment, which always makes a lasting impression on the rest of my day. I turned a chore into a joyful and pleasurable situation. Things are coming together slowly, but now I'm enjoying every minute!

As I finished my first wave of unpacking boxes (there are many more to come!) I tore down the empty boxes and returned them to the U-Haul store, where they offer a corner for used boxes. As I pulled up to the store, I parked in a space between two different cars.

As soon as I got out of my car, I asked the man right beside me if he needed any boxes. He told me that he didn’t, but the lady next to me on the other side, could definitely use them. I was thrilled to give her all of my boxes in the car, and I did so with a smile on my face and joy in my heart. It felt like coming full circle. She told me she was moving from Plano to Frisco! My goodness, how the world goes around. The universe was showing me synchronicity, yet again. If you have a move in your future, I hope you’ll view all of your boxes as gifts that are just waiting for your unique touch. It really does make a difference.

If you’re struggling with a move, a relationship, or anything else in your life, please know that I am here for you as your Intuitive Life Coach (and Animal Communicator) in whatever transitions you’re going through.

And, I hope you’ll be as kind and loving to yourself during this month of February as you are to everyone else.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Many Blessings,


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